
Harness racing

Ability covers the horse's various performances in the disciplines in which it competes. It is presented in the form of genetic indices or performance indices or labels.

Harness racing performance index

Harness racing performance indices are only calculated for the Trotteur Français breed.

Summary table of performance and genetic indices

Best index 118 (1991)
Blup (CD) +25 (0.58)
Absolute record 1'23"2 (A3)
Qualification date 08/01/1991

Date BTR : 04/12/2023
Date records : 15/01/2024
last year indexes : 2023

In blue : satisfactory index and/or coefficient
* Low CD so index inaccurate

Historique des indices de course au trot

Year Harness Monté Index
auto-start élastique auto-start élastique
-2400M +2400M -2400M +2400M -2400M +2400M -2400M +2400M
1991 118

In blue : satisfactory index and/or coefficient
* Low CD so index inaccurate
Indices last updated on : 2023

Genetic indices (BTR) of a sire or mare are the estimation of its hereditary potential. It concerns the horse's ability to perform in Harness racing based on available information. It should always be used with its coefficient of determination (CD). The higher the CD, the more accurately this genetic index reflects the sire's genetic potential which could be transmitted to his progeny.

  • CD<0.20 - Too low: Genetic index not provided: Too inaccurate as not enough information is available.
  • 0.20<CD<0.30 - Low: Genetic index obtained solely based on the competition performance of ancestors (parents, grand-parents) and indirect lineage (brothers, cousins, etc.): Expressed by a global index of the foal's pedigree.
  • 0.30<CD<0.50 - Intermediate: Genetic indices obtained through the horse's own performances, the performance of its ancestors (parents, grandparents) and indirect lineage (brothers, cousins, etc.): Moderate accuracy but sufficient to select sires and broodmares based on their first season of competition.
  • 0.50<CD<0.70 - Good: Genetic index including the performances of the first foals: Fairly accurate.
  • CD>0.70 - High: Genetic indices obtained by combining the performances of ancestors, own performances, and the performances of a number of its progeny: Very accurate which can only be obtained for sires already commonly used for breeding allowing them to be used with certainty.